Harsh Sharma

Faith may take us to places, we might not be built for....

Welcome to my webpage!

Let's get to know me.😅


Hello there! I am Harsh Sharma. I am an undergraduate student at the Delhi Technological University. My major is Software Engineering. I am a full time programmer and a part-time web designer. I am familiar with various IDEs like Visual Studio Code and text editors like Atom and Sublime Text. I am well versed with various programming languages like C, C++, Javascript and Python, which have been certified at various platforms like Hackerrank, linkedin, coursera, udemy and edX. I have keen interests in the fields of machine learning, data science and Internet of Things. I also have good knowledge of HTML, CSS and various frameworks like Bootstrap and jQuery. Besides coding, I am a very big cricket fan and love to read books. So that's me at a glance, feel free to look at my other qualifications. ✌️

Please follow along for more details about me.

My Educational Qualifications

Professional Experiences



Student Partner
(February 2021 - April 2021)

This was an amazing experience for me as I worked directly with the Internshala marketing team. We, as a student partner, were required to promote the activities, seminars and trainings conducted by Internshala. This enriching experience enabled me to network efficiently with people from different domains inside DTU.



(December 2020 - Present)

D_CODER DTU is a coding/ tech society of the Delhi Technological University. As a part of this society, I have collaborated with different people form different branches of Engineering to build exciting and innovative projects. Moreover, the competitive environment inside the society enabled me to bring out the best in me.



(December 2020 - Present)

International Organisation of Software Developers is one of the largest open source development based Organisation in India. IOSD DTU is the student branch of IOSD inside the DTU. As a part of IOSD, I have successfully participated in various coding competitions like Algofeed, etc. I was also part of the organising team for Synergy'21, the official tech-fest of IOSD DTU.



(February 2021 - Present)

A.S.S.E.T.S is the Finance and Investment Society of Delhi Technological University. A.S.S.E.T.S. stands for, Accounting Skills and Stock Exchange Training Society. As a part of ASSETS, I was in the quantitative department. I participated in various finance quizzes hosted by ASSETS on platforms like Dare2Compete and was also in the organising team of Fortune'21, the annual finance fest of DTU.


Curie DTU

(February 2021 - Present)

CURIE is the research promotion society of DTU. All the students who are a part of this society, work towards promoting research in the university by organising webinars and conducting workshops. This society has helped me realise my potential as a researcher and to explore various domains of software engineering like machine learning, internet of things, etc.

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Copyright 2021. Harsh Sharma